THE LAUGHTER one man show

The Laughter
Vladimir Olshansky, founder of the Art De La Joie visual theatre company and guest star of Cirque du Soleil's hit show “Algeria”, has created a new show titled "The Laughter"
"The Laughter" is a one man show performed through the language of visual theater, a dynamic combination of mime, dance, and music. It is a fascinating look at the art of clowning, and it’s evolution from simplicity of slapstick to the sophistication of contemporary metaphysical comedy.
Critical Acclaim
Praise to Vladimir Olshansky and Art De La Joie Company! The audiences were thrilled by the artistry, emotion, and stirring of the imagination evoked through the creative genius of Vladimir Olshansky. What a magic! What a thorough delight to have his extraordinary production in our theatre!
Edith O’Hara, Artistic Director, Founder 13th Street Theatre New York USA
"The Laughter" as absurd as real life.... The spectator will witness a wide spedtrum of art of visual theater, (which is a combination of many performing arts: mime gesture. dance music and sound) conceived from the simple “entrèe” of a circus to the wonderful sketches, summits of philosophy and poetry. "The Laughter" is a great example of experienced acting and professionalism.
Genius of a new dramatic experiment... With the freshness of a truth that is told to the public discreetly , the character of Vladimir come alife, takes its form, as to become the paradigm of a flatus vocis which moves through the rooms of silence and the looks, the gestures so prudent and delicate... Here you do not look for the ultimate solution, the high road: just grope a right path (so that people begin to follow him, to understand who they can be)...
Alessandra D’Ottone, The Pickwick.It

“The Solitude” - a scene from “The Laughter”
“The Hanger” - a scene from “The Laughter”
“The Prisoner” - a scene from “The Laughter”